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Our Offerings

We humans have a tendency to spend our present by either thinking of the past or the future. While doing that we miss the moments where happiness lies. As the recent events turned our world upside down, we have been looking for ways to keep a balance between our health and wellbeing. We have started questioning ourselves and finding better ways to spend our days. However, there is still a majority of people who make a sad narrative of their lives, using phrases like, why life has to be so unfair, why does it happen to me always, and why can’t I be happy in life?
You may be spending your life without realizing who you are or why you are here. You might be frequently upset or impatient over why things aren’t going your way. You want to be happy and live life fully, yet everything seems to be working against you. You despise your job because you know deep down that you are not living your life’s mission. You desire to connect with your spirituality, yet it seems impossible due to your negative or distracted thinking. You silently yearn for self-assurance and the ability to express yourself completely. You just want to be yourself and not live up to anyone else’s expectations.
This is an opportunity to transform your life if you are going through a difficult time in your life or have uncertainties about who you are. It’s time for you to DEAL with all the emotions and feelings. Life’s ordeals are actually a blessing in disguise. They motivate you to make positive changes in your life, assisting you in gaining strength and happiness as you develop into the person you know you can be. You will continue to feel depressed, nervous, restless, unwell, lost, confused, and other negative emotions if you do not take action. You have a voice inside of you telling you to help yourself and seek the appropriate guidance. You’ve come here because you’re looking for assistance.

Now, imagine that you got clarity about who you truly are and what is the purpose of your life. You finally found the real meaning behind your existence. This is the transformation you achieve through DEAL – Designing Exceptionally Amazing Life. In simple words, DEAL is a proven method to awaken your soul and helps you find the meaning of an exceptionally amazing life. It is a transformation that you make in your life, from having questions to finding answers to those questions. You explore the possibilities of your uniqueness and discover what your soul has to offer to this world. It is a soul-inspiring retreat where you can experience contentment, stillness, and inner peace at the moment. Above all, you learn that, “Real generosity towards the future lies in giving all to the present.”

Join us for our next DEAL Retreat and step away from the hustle-bustle of your everyday life. Declutter your space and vacant it for the voices that matter – the ones reaching out to you, to guide and tell you what you really want and need.
It is entirely in our hands to make our life exceptional or conventional. How would it be if we unlocked a way to design the life of our dreams, a process that opens the gates to an exceptionally amazing life. DEAL Retreat can be the anchor to give our lives a proper direction. For Naysayers, every possibility is untouchable, they invest their time in calculating the probability and risk rather than working in that direction. We cannot see gravitational force, we only experience it. Similarly, with these methods and techniques of transformation , we have to experience them to believe them.
Any journey that starts from within finds a beautiful destination. The entire process is about dialing within and bringing to light the deepest, darkest, and uncharted feelings and emotions. It is a way to understand yourself better, find peace and fulfillment through self-reflection. Our retreat is all about offering connection, self-care, and the unfathomable joy in the process. The DEAL Retreat will cover the following steps:


Forgiveness comes with everyday practice, and we do not have to be a saint to perform it. When we do it time and again to maintain a healthy distance through our fresh perspective towards people and life, it becomes a healthy habit. It is a gift to enhance the quality of the relationship with ourselves. This life’s journey is about our discoveries, inventions, and revelations about ourselves, and forgiveness is the first step to successfully entering the realm of self-discovery.

Sampoorna Samropana Pravapna

We don’t have to play according to the narrative, instead, we have the power to write our narrative, create our own EPIC. A well-known motivational speaker, Billy Alsbrooks says, “Set yourself on fire, and the world will come to see you burn.” The only way to start our journey towards living an exceptionally amazing life is to find balance in the facets of life. We have to outshine our expectations, break our records, live our truth, and this world will join us in celebrating the edifice of life we build, on our terms.

Possibility Mindset

History is the witness to testify the events made possible once deemed impossible. May it be reaching the moon, flying an airplane, or breaking world records. Imagine a scenario where nobody broke out of their shackles to make new records, to question things the way they were. The people who dare to imagine the impossible allow things to happen differently in their lives. They are the ones who dare to dream and strive to achieve. They are the ones who overcome the conditioning, the mental barriers and come up with a solution to find a way out. The stronger the purer the belief, the better it works.

Neutralizing Transference

When particular people and situations in the workplace remind you of previous relationships and situations, this is known as transference. You could not recognise these sentiments or attitudes as being from the past, which poses a professional risk. Because you may not have learnt how to handle the original relationship or scenario, you are likely to repeat your response, regardless of whether it is acceptable or unsuitable. This puts you at risk of overreacting or underreacting, leaving you vulnerable.

Mind-Body Connection

Once you are aware of your thoughts, behaviors, and feelings, you are more likely to have good emotional health. The more you understand your mind and body connection, the easier it is for you to cope with the stress and problems in a healthy way. Once you acquire this, you start feeling good about yourself and have good relationships with others. Aligning the mind-body connection will enhance your ability to look at life from a new lens or a fresh perspective and conscious living. It entails cultivating forgiveness, being more evident and precise on the EPIC life you wish to create, your sense of possibility and the awareness of the lens of memory gets heightened.

A Blissful Destination

We take care of everything so you can concentrate on your personal development and well-being. A beautiful spot at the Candolim beach, the calming sound of the sea waves is perfect for focusing your attention within and deep diving.

What Is The Outcome Of The Retreat?

Say Hello To Deep Connections: Build spiritual connections with like-minded seekers who will become life-long friends in a safe, loving, and non-judgmental environment.

Expand Your Horizon: Discover new locations, meet new people, and open the door to a world of unexpected but precise chances by expanding your horizons. Allow this retreat to be a life-changing experience by letting go of anxieties that are holding you back, developing your inner strength, and allowing it to be a life-changing experience.

Invigorate Your Spirit: The retreat provides a tranquil environment in which you can reclaim your feeling of harmony and balance, reconnect with your inner essence, and relieve tension and worry.

Make Your Dreams Come True: What is it that you really want? We’ll assist you in figuring it out. Our retreat will help you leave difficulty behind and gain anything and everything you want out of life, from personal healing to learning to move past fear.

Who Is Eligible For The Retreat?

The Retreat is available for practitioners at all levels, including those who are just starting their development journey and those who want to advance their practice. It is a program where you will deep dive into your current reality. Most of us think that our reality is static, however, this program will help you understand that reality is not static. The moment you start thinking like that, your reality becomes malleable and you start recreating your life. Imagine your life as a blend of wonder, purpose, and happiness, it will help you become a better person personally and professionally where you can live an exceptionally amazing life. Our brain is an amazing machine, unfortunately, it does not come with any user manual. This program will help you create a manual to achieve anything in life. It is a powerful experience that allows you to meet your higher self, enhances spiritual awareness, and emotional well–being, and increases health and vigor for everyone seeking recovery.

Glimpses of Retreat

Retreat In Their Words