Square Sequel


When you apply design principles to innovation and strategy, it drastically improves the success rate for innovation. Many Design-led industries have outshined …

“Storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world.” – Robert McKee. Where there is a problem, there is …

When a design thinker needs to gain insights into the process, he has to carry out some prototypes. The process of creating …

“Leave it better than you found it.” – Bruce A. Nordstrom Design thinking is looking at the usual things with an unusual …

As Julie Zhuo said, “If you’re interested in design, the best thing to find ideas is to find problems, and to find problems is …

“Our mind, emotions, and body are the instruments and the way you align and tune them determines how well you play life.” …

Innovation is the secret ingredient that keeps the cycle of progress and success going. We all experience problems in our day-to-day lives, these …

“Transference is when you have feelings about someone from your past, like a parent or friend, and you unintentionally direct those feelings …

According to recent data from a survey commissioned by global HR and payroll provider ADP, India has one of the most resilient …

In the world of Behavioral Event Interviews (BEI) navigating the murky waters of biases is as crucial as deciphering a candidate’s responses. …

An interview lasts for an hour, maybe rounds of interviews may take a little longer. In that timeframe, is it possible to …

“Are you hiring the right candidates for your team, or merely hoping for the best?” Every recruiting choice is based on this question …