Square Sequel

Janvi was elated to receive a congratulatory mail from HR. She was promoted to the managerial position and she was stoked about her new gig. She was all set to take charge contemplating how to be her best as a new manager. While she was excited about it, she was also pretty terrified of the responsibilities that came along. 

She was well aware that power and authority walk hand-in-hand with challenges. Since the day she realized that it won’t work with the skill sets she already had and that she had to upskill herself for the new game, she took a deep descent to understand what it takes to be a successful manager for her team. Her seniors were observing her hard work and the transformation her research was bringing in her. While she was knee-deep in research for the requisites of becoming a first-time manager, her values, locus of control, and setting goals and achieving them, her superior asked her to listen to an audio that would boost her knowledge on the topic. 

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