Square Sequel

About us

Agile Learning

About Us

Square Sequel Consulting

The Square Sequel Consulting was established to meet the growing demands and needs to train various organizations, institutions, and industries and we are one of the leading providers of experiential learning. We aim to inculcate industry-recognized corporate training solutions to enterprise personnel to help them upskill for future business challenges and drive better business outcomes.
Sequel stands for Continuity and Result, hence our belief is, we will make the difference to the organizations we work with and these concepts and results would be applied to organizations globally.

Making a


Our Credo

Square Sequel Consulting

Our Experience suggests that neither human nor organizational life can be defined in simple Newtonian or mechanical terms. It is our constant endeavor to live these values and partner with our client systems in their development.
Metaphorically, we describe the process of facilitating growth as being similar to a gardener managing growth of a tree, ensuring that the growth is not wild, but also providing the appropriate environmental and living conditions to nurture the organic evolutionary processes for the tree.
Our philosophy of work and life – stems from the belief that each person has the potential to learn and grow. An organization is a living system possessing a positive change core, which embeds the seeds of growth.

Why choose us


The Square Sequel Consulting team comprises highly committed and empowered professionals with years of experience. A Group of like-minded professionals with a deep desire and a passion to make a difference… The trainers at Sequel are certified in the following:
Leadership Circle

Leadership Circle



DISC Thomas Assessments

DISC Thomas Assessments

Belbin Team Roles

Belbin Team Roles

Flawless Consulting

Flawless Consulting

Clifton StrengthsFinder

Clifton StrengthsFinder

Huthwaite SPIN Selling Skills

Huthwaite SPIN Selling Skills

Huthwaite Account Strategy for Major Sales

Huthwaite Account Strategy for Major Sales

Huthwaite Negotiation Skills

Huthwaite Negotiation Skills

Net Promoter Score

Net Promoter Score

Harvard Square - Strategies to Become Extraordinary

Harvard Square - Strategies to Become Extraordinary

Certified Neuro Coach - NeuroBusiness Group

Certified Neuro Coach - NeuroBusiness Group

Certified Brain Mapping

Certified Brain Mapping

Award Winning

Our Philosophy

Square Sequel Consulting

We commit to living an exceptional life and inspiring the world around us, Making a difference to everybody we associate with – Our family, colleagues, clients, friends, & relations.

We work together in everything we do and our interpersonal relationship is underlined with mutual respect and sensitivity. We recognize that we all are – unique in our individual design and will help others recognize and enhance their self-worth by leveraging on each other’s strengths.

Creating wealth for individuals and organizations we work with is our primary focus and we continuously strive to enable it.

We vow to focus on our clients and business partners in all our external interactions and their satisfaction will be our ultimate measure of success.
“In all this WE STAND BY OUR WORD.”

Our Core

Building Human Capital — Inspiring Growth through Transformation to Make a Tangible Positive Difference.

Our Approach

Used For Our Training Programs & Consulting

The approach we use for our training programs and consulting is inspired by globally validated training models and we believe in making a positive impact on the partnering organizations.

Our approach is based on DALE’s cone of learning and the methodology is based on ADDIE’s model.
Dale’s Model

Dale’s Model

A model that incorporates several theories related to instructional design and learning processes.
ADDIE Model :

ADDIE Model :

It is an Instructional Design model that has withstood the test of time and use.

Demonstrate Results

We follow KIRKPATRICK model for Evaluation of Learning which covers 4 different evaluation methodologies.
Type 01

Participant Feedback

The participants evaluate the learning experience at the end of the training program. This feedback covers Trainer, content, environment and overall program assessment.
Type 02

Learning Result

A pre-test and post-test is given to the participants to evaluate the degree of learning. By summarizing the scores we can measure the impact of the training. It is used more in skill based programs. For example – Product trainings
Type 03

Facilitation / Handholding

Participants typically scores good in the post test however the real challenge is retention and transfer of the knowledge and skills to the real life work place. We capture and measure the change in the behavior exhibited at the workplace. Sequel Consultant spends time with the trained participants to understand and facilitate the transfer of skills acquired during the workplace. Typically this exercise is done after 45 days to 60 days of training workshop.
Type 04

Business Results

As Per the project specific deliverables this methodology measures the impact of the training program on business

Our Clients

We have ignited the spark and brought life to work at…

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