Square Sequel


Consider a scenario where you’ve spent weeks sifting through resumes, conducting interviews, and deliberating over candidates. Finally, you make the hire, and …

“In the convergence of Design Thinking and ancient Indian wisdom lies the power to innovate with empathy, adaptability, and timeless insight.” Over …

In today’s dynamic business environment where technology is changing in the blink of an eye and customer expectations are sky-high, the availability …

Embarking on his professional journey, Vaibhav considered himself lucky to have Uncle Sivaranjan as a seasoned mentor. Sivaranjan, a Vice President of …

Embarking on his professional journey, Vaibhav found himself fortunate to have his Uncle Sivaranjan as a seasoned mentor. Sivaranjan, Vice President of …

“You are what you think. So just think big, believe big, act big, work big, give big, forgive big, laugh big, love …

As Vaibhav delved into the world of professionalism, he found himself fortunate to have a seasoned mentor in his Uncle, Sivaranjan, Vice …

Vaibhav’s journey into the professional world began with the invaluable guidance of his uncle, Sivarajan. Fresh out of college and on the …

In a professional realm where confidence can be a game-changer, we’re about to explore how to connect and co-create in our workplace. …

The new year is around the corner! I will finally work on myself! Enough postponing, it is time to work on the …

Priya, a software engineer, swamped with work for days had a critical project deadline right at the week’s corner. She was consumed …

Imagine you’re deep in a conversation with a client, one who appears to be a “no-budge.” You’ve tried every angle and presented …