Square Sequel


Jahnvi has come a long way in her journey as a new manager to learn the art of managing everything around her …

Jahnvi was stepping into the leadership position for the first time, and it was daunting for her, even when she felt prepared …

Jahnvi hit the road from being an individual contributor in her job to telling others what to do. She was eminently excited …

Janvi was elated to receive a congratulatory mail from HR. She was promoted to the managerial position and she was stoked about …

Jahnvi got a confirmation mail from HR stating that she was being promoted to the managerial role. She was ecstatic to receive …

Jahnvi was promoted to the position where she had to unlock business results through employee engagement. As a first-time manager, she had …

Jahnvi seems to find managing people arduous as it is her first time with such a huge responsibility. When she came to …

“My idea of being a manager was exactly opposite of what it is in reality.” Jahnvi used to say this whenever she …

Embarking on the journey of their professional lives, graduates may find the idea of changing the course a bit daunting. They feel …

Vaibhav, like any other fresher, was getting first-job jitters and was cynical about setting right foot into the professional world. He had …

Vaibhav finished his graduation and was looking forward to getting a heads-up for his interviews, how to be part of the corporate …

At every curve of our lives, we swear to make a change and take steps to live an amazing life, and with …