Square Sequel


Vaibhav, when we talk about professionalism, it does not just eventuate at one thing or attribute that reveals your professionalism. “It is …

If you have read earlier articles you would have seen that Sivaranjan is a seasoned professional in a big corporation and he …

The word “Diwali” stirred excitement in me. I remember as a child I would look forward to the festivities which would set …

Sivaranjan being a Vice President in one of the major corporations was guiding his nephew, Vaibhav who recently set sail on his …

Vaibhav has recently passed out of college and already has a number of interviews lined up. He was good at his academics, …

The Titanic was the largest ship ever built at the time of its construction. The Titanic was deemed unsinkable due to its …

A business’s core value is to always place the customer at the top of the hierarchy, listen to them, understand them and …

J.K. Rowling gave a stirring graduation speech at Harvard University in 2008. It was, in many respects, enthralling, and it rapidly rose to the …

I had a training session at a resort in Ahmedabad, standing in the lobby trying with all my might to connect with …

Riddhi is a huge shopaholic, who keeps exploring new websites to buy things. One day while shuffling through some apparel websites, she …

Rishabh decided to purchase goodbye gifts for his team from a local mall. His farewell was in two days and he didn’t …

OTT platforms have gone above and beyond to break the chain of waiting for the next episode in anticipation, and we have …